9901 Belward Campus Drive, Suite 100, Rockville, MD 20850
For Educational Services, call (301) 762-7323 • For Mental Health Services, call (301) 841-7660
The Jill Broder Education Group offers a variety of small group classes to meet the specific needs of students, covering broader subjects areas as well as singling out specific skill sets. Classes are scheduled to run either twice a week for two weeks, or once a week for four weeks.
Study Skill and Organzition Class
(offered for students in middle school or high school):
This class meets four times in two-hour blocks. We use the Learning Power Program to teach students strategies for success. The topics covered include time management, reading and remembering, practicing and memorizing, tests and grades, effective speaking, team efforts, self-respect, the writing process, math strategies, independent thinking, and looking ahead. The course is designed to help learners of all types gain the skills and confidence to succeed in school and beyond.
Reading Improvement Class
(offer for students in grades 5 through 8):
This class meets four times in two-hour blocks. We teach strategies for reading faster while understanding more, efficient note-taking from textbooks, determining different reading speeds for different situations, and standardized test preparation. The course helps students gain confidence in their reading across any subject areas.
Keyboarding Class (offered for students in grades 3 through 8):
This class meets four times in two-hour blocks. The course helps students who do not have efficient keyboarding skills achieve success by improving in areas such as appropriate finger position and basic word processing functions, and makes use of programs and games to promote speed and accuracy.
Algebra 1 Review for Algebra 2
(offered for students in grades 9 and 10):
This class meets four times in two-hour blocks. This course is designed to help students master topics that were covered in Algebra 1 and are necessary to be successful in Algebra 2 . The topics covered include expressions, equations and functions, properties of real numbers, solving and graphing linear equations, inequalities and functions, systems of equations, exponents and exponential functions, polynomials and factoring, quadratic equations and functions, and radicals and rational equations and functions.
Pre-Calculus Review for Calculus
(offered for students in grades 10 and 11):
This class meets four times in two-hour blocks. This course is designed to help students master topics that are necessary to be successful in Calculus. The topics covered include rules of logarithms and exponents, inverses of functions, graphing equations for conics, rational, piecewise, and even and odd functions, factoring polynomials, solutions to systems of equations, and vectors.
We make our services available at the Center,
in many local private schools and via Skype.
9901 Belward Campus Drive, Suite 100
Rockville, MD 20850
For Educational Services:
jill@jillbroder.com • (301) 762-7323
For Mental Health Services:
mkmalnik3@verizon.net • (301) 841-7660
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